Kentucky Travel Industry Annual Conference (KTIAC)
KTIA hosts the Kentucky Travel Industry Annual Conference (KTIAC) in the fall of each year. This is the Commonwealth's only Annual Conference on tourism and is open to all tourism professionals, exhibitors and anyone interested in Kentucky tourism. This three-day conference offers opportunities to network and create lasting partnerships within the travel industry, attend educational sessions, and connect with industry suppliers during the Trade Show, which provides suppliers an opportunity to display their marketing, printing and professional products while gaining tremendous exposure and access to key tourism leaders. Winners of the Traverse Awards for Excellence in Tourism Marketing are also honored during KTIAC.
Spring Travel Forum (STF)
This two-day event provides attendees with opportunities to network with media and marketing representatives and colleagues from across the state as well as to receive professional development through presentations from industry thought leaders. KTIA's goal is for each attendee to leave enlightened and rejuvenated, with a better understanding of the travel and tourism industry and how to plan for the future.
Destination Frankfort
Destination Frankfort is an opportunity for Kentucky's travel and tourism industry to join together as advocates on issues confronting the industry. Held during each regular session of the General Assembly, attendees are provided with issues and advocacy information during the event's first day, and then advocate their views on the second day during one-on-one meetings and a lunch with legislators. KTIA members have the opportunity to discuss key issues and to stress the importance of tourism in Kentucky and its economic impact for the Commonwealth to legislators at this luncheon. Although member contact with legislators must be a year round effort, Destination Frankfort is a key moment in the year where members come together as a group to ensure that the industry's messages are being heard.