KTIA's founding principles are rooted in advocacy, collaboration and professional development and member benefits are built around the same principles in order to serve the membership. Benefits include:
- ADVOCACY - Robust advocacy efforts year round; including full time lobbying services
- NEWS & INFORMATION - E-newsletter communications on KTIA happenings, current tourism issues and legislative updates as they occur and view past newsletters by login in with your Member Login
- DISCOUNTED CONFERENCES REGISTRATION FEES - Members receive discounted registration rates for the spring and annual conferences
- PROFESSIONAL AWARDS - Members have the opportunity to nominate and be eligible to win various professional awards including Emerging Leader, Member of the Year, Mangeot-Oaken and Stars of the Industry
- TRAVERSE AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN KENTUCKY TOURISM - Each annual conference, members are celebrated and recognized for their tremendous work through our Traverse Awards
- MEDIA & MARKETING AUCTION - Take advantage of winning various media and marketing offerings and services at extremely discounted and affordable prices during this annual auction
- CVB/TOURIST COMMISSION BOARD TRAINING - Schedule a board training to educate board members on the benefits importance of tourism
- MEMBER BENEFIT PROGRAMS - Utilize member only member benefit programs including a Granicus Partnership, Health Insurance Program and Midway University Partnership
- CERTIFIED KENTUCKY TOURISM PROFESSIONAL (CKTP) PROGRAM - Provides an opportunity for KTIA members to further develop and strengthen their professional careers while bettering their organization
- INDUSTRY JOB POSTINGS - Browse current industry jobs or post your own
- MEMBER DIRECTORY - Have access to our full membership directory
- SUPPLIER SERVICES DIRECTORY - This valuable resource provides members easily accessible information about our Supplier members, including special offers many of them are making to KTIA members. Supplier members can provide information and discounts for KTIA members.
- MANAGEMENT TEAM SUPPORT & CONSULTATION - Access to KTIA's management team to help answer questions or offer advice